Healthy Carpet, Healthy Home

Your carpet is one of the biggest pieces of furniture in your home, stretched out across all the floor space. Because of its size – and the fact that people and animals are constantly walking over it – all kinds of miniscule organisms end up living there, and this can pose a serious health risk to everyone within the home. That’s why everyone should have their carpet cleaned on a regular basis – it isn’t only to make the house look nicer!

One of the biggest pests living in your carpet right now is the dust mite. In fact, 2,000 dust mites can live on just one ounce of dust in your carpet, so imagine how many are there when a carpet hasn’t been cleaned for a while? These tiny mites can be harmful to health, so they must be controlled. They are a common cause of asthma, plus they make many people flare up with various allergies.

There are various other things in your carpet that could also affect health as well, such as pollen, spores, dead skin and even mould. All of these – especially mould – are extremely problematic, either attracting other pests (such as the aforementioned dust mites), or being breathed in and causing damage to the respiratory system.

Pet owners will also know that fleas can be a massive problem, and these thrive in the carpet if your pet happens to bring them into the house. From the carpet, they then make their way on to you, causing bites and itchiness. As the most reliable carpet cleaners Wiltshire has to offer, we’ll make sure those fleas are dealt with before they become a problem, keeping you, your family and your pets safe from their irritation.